Interactive eLearning Services

Combining the best of instructional & visual design

At Blend we specialise in creating interactive eLearning, providing both Instructional Design and content development.

Our capabilities cover the Discovery stage, through Design and on to Development of the finished piece of eLearning.

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Blend's Process

Part of what makes Blend agile and productive is our process. We focus on open efficient communication, visualisation and testing early and often. 

We also build in milestones at each stage to ensure everything stays on track and budget across the three main stages of a project.

Scroll right to view each stage…

The discovery stage begins with a consultation. We discuss the client goals for the project and build a scope of work document. This leads us to the needs analysis where we organise a workshop to dig deeper into the objectives for the project and identify the learners. We facilitate expert interviews and build a project plan which gives a clear roadmap for everyone going forward.
The design stage kicks off with the curriculum (course) design where the learner's journey and flow of the course is mapped out with and overview of the narrative, branched scenarios, instruction and interactions. The storyboarding and scripting is where we flesh out the copy and visuals. We then create graphic, animated and interactive proofs so everyone is aligned.
The development stage is where we start building the course on the appropriate platform, whether that be Articulate Storyline, Rise, Captivate, or for Virtual or Augmented Reality. Testing and iteration is carried out regularly and everything is set up to run seamlessly on your chosen LMS. With support from Blend for integration, delivery of the eLearning or training project is then complete.

Design Services

Click on any of our services below to discover more…

Curriculum and Course Design

Curriculum/ Course Design

Curriculum / Course Design

Whether building a curriculum framework or mapping out a training course, Blend has the educational expertise and understanding of learning theory to create the perfect mix for effective eLearning
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As experienced scriptwriters Blend can encorporate learning theory and UX design into any eLearning project through storytelling, dialogue and character interaction.
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Blend has the design and animation production skillset to visually map out the project from an early stage. Aligning everybody and refining the learning journey all at the same time.
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Graphic Design

2D Graphic & 3D Design

2D Graphic & 3D Design

Over 15 years’ experience of creating graphics for clients such as the BBC gives Blend the in-house skillset to design all the 2D & 3D visuals you need for your interactive eLearning project.
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Animation and Motion Graphics

Animation & Motion Graphics​

Animation & Motion Graphics​

With years of production experience, Blends animation is of the highest standard. Whether its creating informative walkthroughs or immersive storytelling, we bring the experience to life.
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Sound Design

Sound Design

Sound Design

At Blend we have an extensive library of audio as well as voiceover and editing capabilities. Everything works in harmony to immerse learners in your project.
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