Expert Interviews

Expert Interviews

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

Facilitating and curating the knowledge from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) is a key part of Blends Discovery phase. We use workshopping and design thinking exercises to streamline the process – the information informing the creation of the best possible eLearning.

Below are some key questions that Blend always start with, digging deeper when needed to get the most insight we can.

Blends key questions

What is the overall specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based goal for the project and why?
What change in the business will this training ideally create? Is it cultural? Financial etc?
What do the learners need to be able to do by the end of the project?
Existing training
How is the training currently provided? Does it exist? If not, why not?
If the training does exist, what is working and what isn't?
User feedback
Do you have any feedback from your learners regarding the existing training? What are their pain points?
Do you have an idea of what you want the training to look/feel like?
Do you have a pre-existing Learning Management System (LMS)? If so, do you keep wanting to use it?
What environment will the training be taken in? Offices or remotely?
What environment will the training be taken in? Offices or remotely?
What infrastructure is available for the learners? eg internet speed.
What devices will the learners be using? Tablets, laptops, phones etc.
Is the training intended as a one-off session or re-visitable?
Is it blended learning? Face to face? Fully digital?
What level of soft skills and/or technical training do the learners already have?
What are the budgetary requirements that need to be considered?
What data is needed from the eLearning and how does it need to be tracked?
Do you know how you would like the learning and training to be assessed?
Worst case
What is the worst-case scenario if this eLearning and training is not done properly?
Best case
What is the best-case scenario if this eLearning and training is done properly?

Curating expertise

Blend then take everything acquired and refine it into a summary with key insight into how to make the most impact with your eLearning project. Then Blend moves on to the project planning stage.

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