Time Management & Productivity

Course Title: Time Management & Productivity - 8 weeks (2 hours per week)

Overview: This 16 hour course is designed to equip participants with practical tools and strategies to enhance their time management skills and overall productivity. By focusing on key concepts, participants will learn to prioritize tasks, set meaningful goals, and develop habits that lead to sustained productivity and well-being.

Module 1: Goal Setting & Prioritisation


  • SMART Goals: Learn to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.
  • Prioritization Techniques: Use frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix to distinguish between urgent and important tasks.
  • Long-term vs. Short-term Goals: Understand how to balance and align short-term tasks with long-term objectives.
  • Action Plans: Develop actionable steps and timelines for achieving your goals.

Practical Application:

    • Activity: Create personal and professional SMART goals.
    • Exercise: Use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize a list of current tasks.

Module 2: Planning & Scheduling


  • Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks and activities.
  • Daily and Weekly Planning: Develop a consistent planning routine using tools like planners and digital calendars.
  • Task Batching: Group similar tasks together to improve efficiency.
  • Project Management: Use basic project management techniques to manage larger tasks and projects.

Practical Application:

    • Activity: Create a weekly schedule using time-blocking techniques.
    • Exercise: Batch tasks and schedule them into your calendar.

Module 3: Managing Distractions and Interruptions


  • Identifying Distractions: Learn to identify common distractions and interruptions.
  • Focus Techniques: Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus.
  • Digital Distractions: Manage digital interruptions by setting boundaries with technology.
  • Environmental Factors: Optimize your work environment to minimize distractions.

Practical Application:

    • Activity: Identify your top three distractions and develop a plan to minimize them.
    • Exercise: Implement the Pomodoro Technique for a day and track your productivity.

Module 4:Tools and Techniques for Productivity


  • Productivity Tools: Explore various tools like to-do lists, apps, and software for task management.
  • Automation: Use automation tools to handle repetitive tasks.
  • Note-taking and Organization: Implement effective note-taking and organization methods.
  • Review and Reflect: Regularly review your progress and adjust your plans as necessary.

Practical Application:

    • Activity: Set up and explore a new productivity tool (e.g., Trello, Asana, Todoist).
    • Exercise: Automate a repetitive task using a tool like Zapier or IFTTT.

Module 5: Overcoming Procrastination


  • Understanding Procrastination: Explore the psychological reasons behind procrastination.
  • Anti-Procrastination Strategies: Learn strategies like the Two-Minute Rule and chunking tasks.
  • Motivation: Find ways to stay motivated and committed to your goals.
  • Accountability: Use accountability partners and progress tracking to stay on course.

Practical Application:

    • Activity: Break down a large task into smaller, manageable chunks.
    • Exercise: Use the Two-Minute Rule for a day and track the results.

Module 6: Work-Life Balance


  • Setting Boundaries: Learn to set and maintain boundaries between work and personal life.
  • Self-Care: Incorporate self-care practices into your routine to prevent burnout.
  • Delegation: Understand the importance of delegating tasks and how to do it effectively.
  • Flexible Working: Explore flexible working arrangements and how to implement them.

Practical Application:

    • Activity: Create a work-life balance plan outlining boundaries and self-care activities.
    • Exercise: Delegate a task you normally handle yourself and reflect on the experience.

The proposed syllabus is based on our experience, but we adapt to each client.

We offer: 1-1 online/in-person and group online/in-person classes.